
The Prosumers Virtual Meeting

We meet the 4th Monday of the month
NO meeting May 27th, Memorial Day

Next Meeting:

Monday, June 24, 2024  3:00 - 4:30 pm CDT

To Register and Connect click  Here   
Call in:  1-346-248-7799     Meeting ID:  814 6799 3526
Passcode: 880492


Click here to register and join the meeting through the internet. If you need to use your phone with the internet, call 1 346 248 7799 and enter Meeting ID: # If you are connected to the zoom meeting, the zoom will give you a participant code to match your phone to your picture. 

If you are ONLY calling in on your phone, click here on your phone to get connected by conference call. Then enter the Meeting ID: # and then for your participant code just use the # sign.



January 23, 2023 
Dreaming Big
Many of us tend to live as if what is right in front of our nose is all there is. We just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Dreams are for people who have nothing else to do, or are they? Learn why dreams are an important part of a joyous life and more geared to reality than the drudgery we do every day. Find the importance of dreams and how to incorporate them into a life worth living.

February 27, Finding joy in simple things  
In life, when things move so fast or you are too far in a hole, you have difficulty seeing happiness. This signals that it is time to bring about a change in your life. One way to do this is to find joy in everyday activities and experiences. By finding joy in simple things, our life becomes more enjoyable, and life becomes hopeful again. Come join us to find and share joy.

March 27
Mind Mapping  
Have you ever thought, If I could only get my head organized, everything would be good. Or realized you have no plan for the future, then mind mapping maybe your answer. This is a tool used by high power executives to organize their thoughts and to plan for the future. Come learn the power of mapping out your mind. 

April 24
Living a Life by My Design  
Most of us do not really think about designing a life. We do what is expected or let events that happen determine which way our life goes. It is like playing pinball. What if you could actually have a say in which direction your life goes, starting now? Doesn’t matter how long you have been living this life, you could start a new one tomorrow. This meeting is sure to light you up!

May 22
Visualization Boards 
The first step in getting what you want is to state what you want and then visualize what you want. A Visualization Board is designed to help you keep in mind what it is you are wanting. It is amazing even when we say we want something, often we find ourselves forgetting or not taking any action. Here is your chance to change that. Please bring old magazines that you don’t want anymore as we will be looking for inspiration in them. 

June 26
"Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.", Brené Brown. How to live an authentic life that is in harmony with your core value

July 24
Detox the mind  
Many of you have heard about detoxing off of drugs, alcohol and even food. Yet we very rarely talk about detoxing our mind. While detoxing takes time and effort, it allows for renewal. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to start off with a clutter free mind, sharp and ready to go. Don’t miss this one. Your head will thank you.

August 28
Meditative Coloring 
Many of us have heard of mindfulness and realize that even mainstream doctors now tell their patients to take up the practice. Meditative coloring is more than just coloring. It is a way of meditating while keeping a focus on the coloring, so your thoughts are not zipping in and out. Please bring your coloring supplies ,whether it be crayons, colored pencils or ?? We will talk about the practice and then actually practice the method. You will leave peaceful and serene. 

 September 25
Can Trauma make us stronger?  
You have heard the phrase, ‘Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” But does it? How do we know if we are stronger? Is there something we have to do to make "stronger" happen? I know I don’t feel stronger after a trauma happens, so where did I miss the boat? Come to this meeting and we will explore the ins and outs of trauma and determine if it really does make us stronger. Should be a very interesting meeting.

October 23
Unlocking Creativity  
There are lots of creative people in the world and a lot who say they are not. If you are a creative person, you will love this meeting where we will explore taking your creativity to the next level. If you are not a creative person, come and unlock that part of you which you don’t think you have. Come to the meeting and let’s explore to see if we can pull that creative thread. 

November 27
Learning To Respect Yourself  
People say, to love another, you must love yourself first. The same can be said for respect. The first step in changing anything is to notice what you are doing now. Then visualize what it would look like if you did respect yourself. Then create a plan because like all things in life, it takes practice. Together we will look at what respect means, how it is shown and where to start respecting yourself. This promises to be a fabulous meeting. 

December 18
Holiday Party and Planning 
It is that time of year! We have had an interesting year and it’s time to plan for 2024! Come vote on topics you would like to see at our meetings next year. We will be having our Holiday Party and will be playing games and celebrating with our friends. You will have a wonderful time!

January 22, 2024
Change Your Life Using Words  
Change your language and you can change the world. Unwittingly, we begin using language which does not empower us or other people, yet we seem helpless in changing it. We will talk about the power of words, how it can give your life richness and happiness you may not have noticed before and techniques to keep those words in the forefront of all you do. Seriously, your words create your reality. Your reality creates your actions. Your actions give you your life. This is one of the most important meetings to attend. And what a way to start the year!! 

February 26
Meditation/Mindfulness/Spirituality/Finding Connection 
Anyone of these topics could fill the meeting time and to do all four is going to be quite unique. Rather than a deep dive into all of these, we are going to brush lightly upon each one and talk a lot about the interconnectedness of all four. All of these feed on one another and will enhance our life, our spirit and our sense of community. There will definitely be a sense of peace and calm as we explore this topic together. You should leave rejuvenated and uplifted. 
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